Web Browser War!
In the previous post, I shared the features of the five most popular web browsers and their download links. Now lets have a look on some of their market statistics.

According to w3schools.com, market share of web browsers is as follows:
You can see that Google Chrome hasn't entered into the market. Major share is enjoyed by Internet Explorer.
A new player Google Chrome has entered into the market. Mozilla Firefox was gaining on Internet explorer. IE lost about 9% to Firefox and others. But still they are leading.
Now in 2010, from the current statistics, we can see that Firefox hasn't lost much but hasn't gained also. On the other hand, Google Chrome keeps on gaining on Internet Explorer.
So it is clear that the Microsoft guys will have to come up with some miracle to regain their position.
And by "share", i mean their "market presence". It has nothing to do with share market. :D