Friday, November 19, 2010

Adobe Reader X Is Released

   Adobe released the new updated version of Adobe Reader v10 a.k.a Adobe Reader X.

   Adobe Reader is the global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. It's the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia.

Download offline installer of Adobe Reader X:

  • Industry-leading security:
Take advantage of the security of Protected Mode in Reader, which helps safeguard your computer software and data from malicious code.

  • Flash technology support:
Enable a new level of end-user interaction thanks to the ability of Reader to natively display rich media content created with Adobe Flash technology.

  • Access to all PDF files:
View and interact with PDF files that contain a wide variety of content types, including drawings, email messages, spreadsheets, videos, and other multimedia elements.

  • Online services:
Directly access online services at from within Reader X. Perform common tasks such as creating PDF files, securely sharing and storing documents, and screen-sharing.

  • Enhanced commenting tools:
Make notes and share your feedback with others by marking up PDF documents using the Sticky Notes and Highlighter tools.

  • Opening PDF Portfolios:
Open and view contents of a PDF Portfolio, a collection of PDF documents, and other document types, including drawings, email messages, spreadsheets, and videos.

  • Electronic form submission:
Fill, save, sign, and electronically submit forms that have been Reader enabled by Adobe LiveCycle ES2 or Adobe Acrobat software.

  • High-quality PDF viewing on mobile devices:
Open PDF documents emailed as attachments, located on the web, or stored locally on your mobile device. Robust rendering enables accurate, high-quality viewing on any screen size.

For Standalone Offline Installer: Adobe Reader X

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