Desktop Client For Google+

12/11/2011 11:30:00 PM , , 0 Comments

Google+ (Google Plus or G+) is the social networking site by Google. It has got a good web interface which is very user friendly in using. A German company Abelssoft has released a free desktop client. It is called GClient.

Basically it shows the Mobile version of G+ in your desktop and it operates from the notification area on the taskbar. When clicked on the icon it'll display a handy window showing your latest Google+ activities. This window allows you to post messages and to follow the activity of your circles.

Some screenshots:

Download GClient from here



A techie & mobile geek as said by most of the tech bloggers. Own Android devices and love it. So blogs will be mainly based on what i own. Amateur occasional blogger. Foodie with a good appetite for Indian food. Love to travel, drive alone with only country-folk-indie music as company.