Install Any Android App in BlueStacks (Android App Player for PC)

12/22/2011 03:07:00 PM , , 3 Comments

BlueStacks App Player lets you run your Android apps fast and full screen on Windows PCs and tablets. You can read about it more and download it from here: Run Android Apps In PC!
The problem with BlueStacks is that it only allows you to install apps available in its own App Channel.
There is a way around to install other apps also if you got the .apk file for that!
I assume you got the .apk file for the app you wish to install in BlueStacks. You can get it by simply searching in Google itself..! :-)

Step 1: Locate the .apk file on your PC. Right-click it and select "Open With..."
Step 2: Click "Browse" and go to the location where you installed BlueStacks. If you haven't changed the location during the installation of BlueStacks, you can find it at "C:\Program Files\BlueStacks" for 32-bit OS and "C:\Program Files (x86)\BlueStacks" in 64-bit OS.
Step 3: Select "HD-ApkHandler.exe", click "Open" and then click "OK"
Step 4: The .apk file will be installed to BlueStacks.
You can go and run the app you installed in BlueStacks now..!


A techie & mobile geek as said by most of the tech bloggers. Own Android devices and love it. So blogs will be mainly based on what i own. Amateur occasional blogger. Foodie with a good appetite for Indian food. Love to travel, drive alone with only country-folk-indie music as company.