Beautiful High Quality Nature Mobile Wallpapers

9/17/2012 10:37:00 PM , , , 2 Comments

Download high quality wallpapers for your touchscreen mobile phones. All are optimized for screens with 360x640 pixel resolution.

Download link is given below:

Wallpapers have a resolution of 640x640px. This is done because the 360x640px sized wallpapers will be blurred when screen is auto rotated.

Download all the wallpapers in a single zip file..

Download From Here: High Quality Nature Wallpapers


A techie & mobile geek as said by most of the tech bloggers. Own Android devices and love it. So blogs will be mainly based on what i own. Amateur occasional blogger. Foodie with a good appetite for Indian food. Love to travel, drive alone with only country-folk-indie music as company.



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